Bente Philippsen
Northern Emporium
Vol. 1 The making of Viking-age Ribe
Edited by Søren M. Sindbæk
(book + e-book)
In the early Middle Ages, a network of maritime trading towns – emporia – emerged along the northern coasts of Europe. These early urban sites are amo…
499,00 kr. -
The Pitted Ware Culture on Djursland
Supra-regional significance and contacts in the Middle Neolithic of southern Scandinavia
Edited by Lutz Klassen
(book + e-book)
Between ca. 3000 and 2800 BC, the Pitted Ware Culture of northeast European descent spread to the northeastern parts of Denmark. Here, by far the best…
499,95 kr. -
25 søforklaringer
Naturvidenskabelige fortællinger fra Søauditorierne
Edited by Carsten Rabæk Kjaer
(book + e-book)
399,95 kr.