Aspects of Ancient Greek Cult
Context - Ritual - Iconography
A part of the series Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity (8) , and the subject areas Classical studies and Archaeology (classical)
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Edited by
George Hinge,
Jesper Tae Jensen,
Peter Schultz and
Bronwen Wickkiser
More about the book
About the book
The papers in this volume are based on an international conference organized by Jesper Tae Jensen, 9-10 January 2004 at the Department of Classical Archaeology, together with the Centre for Studies of Antiquities, University of Aarhus. They illustrate the interplay between the studies of classical archaeology, religion, history, and musicology. The eight papers by the young scholars and their Nestor, Richard Hamilton, offer a fresh look at various aspects of ancient Greek cult, including the use of the word cult in the academic disciplines of Archaeology and the History of Religion, the introduction of Asklepios to Athens, and a detailed study of the topography and early architecture of the same god's sancturary on the south slope of the Athenian Akropolis. The book also contains an innovative study of the sculpture and architecture of the Philippeion at Olympia as a proto-type for Hellenistic royal ideology and portraiture. Other papers include a statistical approach to the illustration of baskets on Classical votive reliefs, a theoretical study of the role of music in ancient Greek cult, and analysis of the use of the chorus as one of the most important expressions of ancient cult in Sparta.
Table of contents
Jesper Tae Jensen, George Hinge, Peter Schultz and Bronwen Wickkiser
Jesper Tae Jensen
Lisbeth Bredholt Christensen
"Cult" in the Study of Religion and Archeology
Richard Hamilton
Basket Case: Altars, Animals and Baskets on the Classical Attic Votive Reliefs
Bronwen Wickkiser
Banishing Plague: Asklepios, Athens, and the Great Plague Reconsidered
Vanda Papaefthymiou
Der Alter des asklepieions von Athen
Michaelis Lefantzis and Jesper Tae Jensen
The Athenian Asklepieion on the South Slope of the Akropolis: Early Development, ca. 420-360 B.C
Peter Schultz
Divine Images and Royal Ideology in the Philippeion at Olympia
Tore Tvarnø Lind
Music and Cult in Ancient Greece: Ethnomusicological Perspectives
George Hinge
Cultic Persona and the Transmission of the Partheneions
Sanne Lind Hansen

MA in ethnography and classical archeology and trained at the Danish School of Journalism. Sanne primarily works with anthropology, archeology and early history. She is also responsible for foreign sales and commission agreements, and she was once employed at the National Museum (Antiquities).