Conventional Values of the Hellenistic Greeks
A part of the subject area Classical studies
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Edited by
Per Bilde,
Troels Engberg-Pedersen,
Lise Hannestad and
Jan Zahle
With contributions by
Burkhard Fehr,
Giulia Sfameni Gasparro,
Richard Gordon,
Lise Hannestad,
Sanne Houby-Nielsen,
Tomas Hägg,
David Konstan,
Dale B. Martin,
Halvor Moxnes,
Pauline Schmitt Pantel and
Sarah B. Pomeroy
More about the book
About the book
The contributors to this volume seek to decipher the Hellenistic citizens' views on vital elements of their society: the city, the ruler, religion, magic and astrology, everyday life and social relations (family and gender), morality, uses of the past, and the iconography of death. How did the changes in political and social ideas affect actions and practices, which in turn again altered concepts?
Moreover, the authors distinguish between the views of the common people and the elite, the evidence from inscriptions (seen as popular sentiment) and the evidence from literature (from the elite).
The authors' conclusions have broad ramifications for future scholars in a field that has not hitherto received much attention. This volume is essential reading on the early development of individualism and the history of ideas.
Table of contents
Pauline Schmitt Pantel: Public Feasts in the Hellenistic Greek City: Forms and Meanings
Burkhard Fehr: Society, Consanguinity and the Fertility of Women: The Community of Deities on the Great Frieze of the Pergamum Altar as a Paradigm of Cross-Cultural Ideas
Giulia Sfameni Gasparrov: Daimon and Tuche in the Hellenistic Religious Experience
Dale B. Martin: Hellenistic Superstition: The Problems of Defining a Vice
Richard Gordon: <i: Hellenistic Magic and Astrology
David Konstan: Conventional Values of the Hellenistic Greeks: The Evidence from Astrology
Tomas Hägg: A Professor and his Slave: Conventions and Values in the Life of Aesop
Sarah B. Pomeroy: Family Values: The Uses of the Past
Sanne Houby-Nielsen: Grave Gifts, Women, and Conventional Values in Hellenistic Athens
Halvor Moxnes: Conventional Values in the Hellenistic World: Masculinity
Lise Hannestad: Death on Delos: Conventions in an International Context
Index of Persons
Index of Modern Authors
Geographical Index
Index Locorum