Culture and Conflict
Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930
A part of the subject areas History, Cultural studies, Art, Literature, and Music
Edited by
Sine Krogh,
Karina Lykke Grand and
Thor J. Mednick
With contributions by
John Hutchinson,
Claus Møller Jørgensen,
Bertel Nygaard,
Sine Krogh,
Bart Pushaw,
Benedikte Brincker,
Rasmus Glenthøj,
Thor J. Mednick,
Karina Lykke Grand,
Knut Ljøgodt,
Elisabeth Oxfeldt,
Martin Brandt Djupdræt,
Peter Fjågesund,
Nico Anklam,
Ruth Hemstad,
Rasmus Kjærboe and
Anna Lena Sandberg
More about the book
About the book
Cultural differences are often the trigger for conflict – whether politically motivated or arising from dissonant understandings of national culture. But what we regard as distinctive today in our cultural heritage or day-to-day cultural experience is deeply rooted in the rich diversity of the national currents of the nineteenth century. Culture and Conflict: Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930 explores the many strands of Danish and Scandinavian culture that helped to shape these cultural identities.
The sixteen contributions in this volume analyse how competing national agendas influenced the development of political life as well as literature, the visual arts, and music. A central theme is the cultural conflicts that formed an essential part of nineteenth-century nation-building. Culturally as well as politically, boundaries were drawn up, ideologies were formulated and discussed, and determined attempts were made to suppress divergent cultural voices in the drive to forge strong national or Scandinavian narratives. The results of these conflicts were the enduring cultural struggles that form the subject of this volume.
The contributions at hand, by scholars from Denmark, Britain, Norway, the United States, and Germany, bring a broad and interdisciplinary perspective to bear on these distinctively Nordic themes. Aimed both at students and at established scholars, the chapters discuss the many facets of nationalism, its cultures, and its countercultures, as well as revisiting the historiography of the 1800–1930 period with a more pluralistic approach.
Table of contents
Press reviews
Tonje Haugland Sørensen, Kunst og kultur 4 2022, årgang 105
"Fra Aarhus Universitetsforlag kommer en ny og solid publikasjon om nasjon, identitet og konflikt i Skandinavia i perioden 1800–1930. Redaktørtrioen Krogh, Mednick og Lykke Grand har samlet en gruppe forskere med et bredt nedslagsfelt, og produsert en bok som kaster et skarpt og tverrfaglig blikk på denne perioden. Boka er på engelsk og henvender seg slik tydelig til et internasjonalt publikum. Den er rikt illustrert og holder en høy produksjonsverdi."