Experiencing the Everyday
A part of the subject area Philosophy
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Edited by
Carsten Friberg and
Raine Vasquez
With contributions by
Epp Annus,
Dan Eugen Ratiu,
Anna-Lena Carlsson,
Eva la Cour,
Evi Riikonen,
Corinna Casi,
Tue Løkkegaard,
João Afonso Baptista,
Ossi Naukkarinen,
Raine Vasquez,
Max Ryynänen and
Carsten Friberg
More about the book
About the book
This book aims to address that which is most relevant and unavoidable present for every human being: namely, everyday existence, that elusive fabric in which most of us dwell most of the time. What is the nature of the everyday? And how can we aproach it? How do events, objets or entities structure the everyday, and how do these things affect our decisions, politics, and well-being? Experiencing the Everyday matters precisely because we have, in many respects for the worse, come to unwittingly discount the significance that attention paid to everyday experience has for our individual and collective well-being, both in short term and in the long.
This publication is based on the Work of the Nordic Summer University study circle Heterologies of the Everyday. It begins with the experience of the everyday itself, looking at the human-made artifacts that fill our homes and workplaces, the towns and cityscapes in which our homes are situated, the greater natural environments which human settlements have in many parts of the world come to dominate, and the feeling of belonging to the everyday per se. The investigations herein work at the intersection of cultural studies, philosphy, literary criticism, art criticism, film studies, urban studies, anthropology and human geography, and include both empirical and theoretical concerns.
The publication targets an international academic audience with interest in perspectives on the everyday from different fields such as philosophy, aesthetics, art history, material culture, anthropology, sociology, and design studies.
Table of contents
Everyday Aesthetic Experience
Explorations by a Practical Aesthetics
The Poetics of Workplaces
The Landscape as Image
Entering Spaces, Creating Places
A Human Geographical Approach to the Production of the Everyday
Ecological Significance in Nature Appreciation
Between places:
Everyday Experience and Everyday Places in Leslie Kaplan and Francois Bon
A Phenomenology of Interaction:
Space and the Body of Progess in Angola
Creating and Experiencing the Everyday through Daily-life
Chopin's Heart:
The Somatic Stimulation of Our Experience of Thingness in Everyday Popular Culture
Education through Everyday Things