Culture, History, and Development between Himalaya and Karakoram
A part of the subject area Anthropology
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Edited by
Martijn van Beek,
Kristoffer Brix Bertelsen and
Poul Pedersen
With contributions by
Raza Abbasi,
Sonam Phuntshog Achinapa,
Monisha Ahmed,
Mohd. Jaffar Akhoon,
Spalzes Angmo,
John Bray,
Chris Butters,
John Clarke,
Mohammed Deen Darokhan,
David Sonam Dawa,
Sonam Dawa,
Pascale Dollfus,
Kaneez Fatima,
Anandamayee Ghosh,
Nicola Grist,
Kim Gutschow,
Katherine E. Hay,
Reinhard Herdick,
Neil Howard,
Michael Khoo,
P.J. Marczell,
Tsering Norbu Martse,
David Pinault,
Janet Rizvi,
Nawang Tsering Shakspo,
Abdul Ghani Sheikh,
Martin Sökefeld and
Bettina Zeisler
More about the book
About the book
In 27 articles, the book presents the range of recent research on Ladakh, a small state in the Himalayas.
Table of contents
The International Association for Ladakh Studies
Henry Osmaston: The First Chapter, John Bray
The Salt Trade: Rupshu's Annual Trek to Tso Kar, Monisha Ahmed
An Eighteenth-Century Bhutanese Lama's Journey to Ladakh, John Bray & Chris Butters
The Tibetanisation of European Steel Stoves in Ladakh, John Clarke
Whither Ladakh Education?, David Sonam Dawa
The Development of Ecological Agriculture in Ladakh and Strategies for Sustainable Development, Mohammed Deen Darokhan
Mountain Deities among the Nomadic Communities of Kharnak (Eastern Ladakh), Pascale Dollfus
Women's Development and Education in Kargil District, Kaneez Fatima
Tibetan Literary Language and Ladakhi Speech: A Continuity, Anandamayee Ghosh
Twin Peaks: The Two Shi'ite Factions of the Suru Valley, Nicola Grist
The smyung gnas Fast in Zangskar: How Liminality Depends on Structure, Kim Gutschow
Gender, Modernisation, and Change in Ladakh, Katherine E. Hay
Yangthang in West Ladakh: An Analysis of the Economic and Socio-cultural Structure of a Village and Its Relation with Its Monastery, Reinhard Herdick
Ancient Painted Pottery from Ladakh, Neil Howard
The Scope of Tourism in Kargil District, Mohd. Jaffar Akhoon
The Wrath of Rahu: Remarks on the Observation of Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Ladakh, Michael Khoo & Tsering Norbu Martse
Csoma Kőrösi's Guides in Tibetan Learning from Rdzong khul dgon pa, Zangs dkar, with Special Reference to Tshul khrims rgya mthso, P.J. Marczell
The Foremost Teachers of the Kings of Ladakh, Nawang Tsering Shakspo
Muslim-Buddhist Relations in a Ritual Context: An Analysis of the Muharram Procession in Leh Township, Ladakh, David Pinault
Kargil: An Introduction to the District and the Youth Voluntary Forum, Mohd. Raza Abbasi
The Trade in Pashm and Its Impact on Ladakh's History, Janet Rizvi
Economic Conditions in Ladakh during the Dogra Period, Abdul Ghani Sheikh
Bālāwaristān and Other ImagiNations: A Nationalist Discourse in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, Martin Sökefeld
Economic Development of Ladakh: Need for a New Strategy, Sonam Dawa
Hanu Village: A Symbol of Resistance, Sonam Phuntshog
Women's Development in Ladakh, Spalzes Angmo
Borrowed Language: Passive Assimilation or Active Incorporation of Modern Concepts, Bettina Zeisler
Biographical Notes