Late Minoan III Pottery
Chronology and Terminology. Acts of a meeting held at the Danish Institute at Athens, August 12-14, 1994
A part of the series Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens (1) , and the subject area Archaeology (classical)
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Edited by
Birgitta P. Hallager and
Erik Hallager
With contributions by
Maria Andreadaki-Vlasaki,
Eleni S. Banou,
Philip P. Betancourt,
Elisabetta Borgna,
William D.E. Coulson,
Alexandre Farnoux,
Cheryl R. Floyd,
Birgitta P. Hallager,
Athanasia Kanta,
J. Alexander MacGillivray,
Margaret S. Mook,
Eleni Papadopoulou,
Niki Prokopiou,
Georgos Rethemiotakis,
Metaxia Tsipopoulou and
Peter M. Warren
More about the book
About the book
Late Minoan III Pottery presents a full discussion of the current research in Late Bronze Age III pottery in Crete. The contributors to this volume of twelve essays are archaeologists presently studying LM III pottery, preferably from stratified excavations in the significant LM settlements and tombs of Crete, as well as scholars who have already published their findings.
This volume presents new, unpublished material from important excavations in Crete. Also included is an invaluable ten-page chart organizing the names, with line drawings, of the 78 prevailing vase types of the period.
Table of contents
List of participants
Terminology - The Late Minoan Goblet, Kylix and Footed Cup, Birgitta P. Hallager
Provincial LM III at Pseira, Crete, Philip P. Betancourt, Eleni S. Banou & Cheryl R. Floyd
LM IIIB and LM IIIC Pottery Phases. Some Problems of Definition, Athanasia Kanta
LM IIIA:1 Pottery from Khamalevri, Rethymnon, Maria Andreadaki-Vlasaki & Eleni Papadopoulou
Late Minoan III Pottery from the City of Knossos: Stratigraphical Museum Extension Site, Peter M. Warren
Late Minoan II and III Pottery and Chronology at Palaikastro: an Introduction, J. Alexander MacGillivray
Late Minoan III Reoccupation in the Area of the Palatial Building at Petras, Siteia, Metaxia Tsipopoulou
Quartier Gamma at Malia Reconsidered, Alexandre Farnoux
Some Observations on Deep Bowls and Kraters from the "Acropoli mediana" at Phaistos, Elisabetta Borgna
Late Minoan III Pottery from Kastelli Pediada, Georgos Rethemiotakis
Late Minoan IIIC Pottery from the Kastro at Kavousi, Margaret S. Mook & William D.E. Coulson
Late Minoan III Pottery from the Greek-Italian Excavations at Sybritos Amariou, Niki Prokopiou
General discussion
Appendix, LM III Pottery Shapes and their Nomenclature, Birgitta P. Hallager
Index of shapes