Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens II
A part of the series Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens , and the subject areas Classical studies and Archaeology (classical)
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Edited by
Søren Dietz and
Signe Isager
With contributions by
Anne Deestrooper-Georgiades,
Søren Dietz,
Rune Frederiksen,
Sanne Houby-Nielsen,
Jacob Isager,
Kristian Jeppesen,
Lazaros Kolonas,
Ioannis Moscos,
Jari Moscos,
Jari Pakkanen,
Ingrid Strøm and
Lone Wriedt Sørensen
More about the book
About the book
Every second year the Danish Institute at Athens publishes a volume presenting the new results of Danish field archaeology in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean and new research in this area by Danish as well as international scholars.
The articles of this volume deal with, among other subjects, the Cyclades and the Mainland in the Shaft Grave Period, the early sanctuary of the Argive Heraion and its external relations, revival of Archaic funerary practices in the Hellenistic and Roman Kerameikos, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Third Preliminary Report of The Danish Archaeological Excavations at Panayia Emattousa, Cyprus and Hans Christian Andersen's Visit to the Acropolis on 27th March 1841.
Table of contents
Preface, Søren Dietz and Signe Isager
The Cyclades and the Mainland in the Shaft Grave Period - a summary, Søren Dietz
The Early Sanctuary of the Argive Heraion and its External Relations (8th - Early 6th Cent. B.C.), Ingrid Strøm
Revival of Archaic Funerary Practices in the Hellenistic and Roman Kerameikos, Sanne Houby-Nielsen
The Column Shafts of the Propylaia and Stoa in the Sanctuary of Athena at Lindos, Jari Pakkanen
Das Maussolleion von Halikarnassos, Forschungsbericht 1997, Kristian Jeppesen
Surveys and Excavations in Chalkis, Aetolias 1995-1996. First preliminary report, Søren Dietz, Lazaros Kolonas, Ioannis Moschos and Sanne Houby-Nielsen
Third Preliminary Report of The Danish Archaeological Excations at Panayia Ematousa, Aradippou, Cyprus, Lone Wriedt Sørensen with contributions by Anne Destrooper-Georgiades, Rune Frederiksen, Kristina Winther Jacobsen and John Lund
Hans Christian Andersen's Visit to the Acropolis on 27th March 1841, Ingrid Strøm
Propertius and the monumenta of Actium. (IV, 6 as a topographical source), Jacob Isager