The Theory and Practice of Cultural-Historical Psychology
A part of the subject areas Psychology and Pedagogics
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Edited by
Seth Chaiklin
With contributions by
Angela Branco,
Seth Chaiklin,
Mercedes Cubero,
Mohamed Elhammoumi,
Mariëtte de Haan,
Peter E. Jones,
Gloria Farinas León,
Manuel L. de la Mata,
Zilma de Moraes Ramos de Oliveira,
Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo,
Andrés Santamaría,
Falk Seeger,
Charles W. Tolman,
René van der Veer and
Vladimir P. Zinchenko
More about the book
About the book
This volume offers a selection of theoretical views and empirical investigations by researchers in Europe, South America, and North America. The theoretical chapters seek to clarify and extend central concepts of the cultural-historical tradition, such as activity, internalisation, and personality. The empirical chapters seek to engage, criticise, and extend theoretical concepts such as language construction, role, competition and cooperation, internalization, intersubjectivity, and heterogeneity of thinking.
Press reviews
Giyoo Hatano Mind, Culture, and Activity
"This volume offers a useful overview of a broad range of research in the cultural-historical tradition. It is undoubtedly useful for both those within the tradition and those outside of it ..."