What can Curriculum Studies and Pedagogy learn from Sociology to-day?
A part of the subject areas and Pedagogics
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Edited by
Kirsten Reisby and
Karsten Schnack
With contributions by
Peter Altheit,
Ron Best,
Karen Borgnakke,
Staff Callewaert,
Jens Rasmussen,
Palle Rasmussen,
Kirsten Reisby,
Hildur Ve and
Philip Wexler
More about the book
About the book
What can curriculum studies and pedagogy learn from
sociology to-day? This was the title of an international seminar arranged by Didaktikprogrammet - a research programme in educational theory and curriculum studies - at the Royal Danish School of Educational Studies. The background for the question is the different and less visible position sociological theories and analyses have today compared with its importance for critical educational research during the seventies. In this book you will find, in more or less revised versions, some of the contributions to the analyses and discussions of the seminar. It was a very thought-provoking and stimulating seminar and we feel sure that thisbook will be so, too.