From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda
Aspects of Oral Narration in the Greek Tradition
Edited by Marianthi Kaplanoglou George Katsadoros Birgit Olsen Christos Zafiropoulos
(book + e-book)
From Homer to Hatzi-Yavrouda – Aspects of Oral Narration in the Greek Tradition provides a multidisciplinary discussion of the concept of orality in t…
320,00 kr. -
Dansk i dag
Begyndere 1
(book + e-book)
Dansk i dag will give you a basic vocabulary that will enable you to get by in normal everyday activities in Denmark. The book contains small stories…
169,95 kr. -
Culture in Language Learning
Edited by Hanne Leth Andersen Karen Lund Karen Risager
(book + e-book)
178,00 kr. -
In Search of a Language for the Mind-Brain
Can the Multiple Perspectives be Unified?
Edited by Ocke-Schwen Bohn Albert Gjedde Anjum P. Saleemi
What is human nature? How is language related to thought - and should the connection be investigated socially or biologically? Is external reality coh…
348,00 kr. -
Erklärungsstrategien, semantische Felder und Makrostrukturen
Eine Fallstudie zur semantischen Architektur von explikativen Texten
Erklärungsstrategien, semantische Felder und Makrostrukturen behandelt die genannten, zentralen textsemantischen Themenbereiche theoretisch und prakti…
498,00 kr. -
A Comparative Language Policy Analysis of Minority Mother Tongue Education in Denmark and Sweden
Contents: 1. Introduction PART I: GENERAL BACKGROUND 2. Language Planning 3. Language Policy 4. Policy Frames PART II: CASE PRESENTATIONS 5. Language…
130,00 kr. -
Translators and Translations
Edited by Henrik Holmboe Signe Isager
The difficulties of a translation vary with the character of the text, the nature of the languages involved and the intended audience. Working in two…
198,00 kr. -
Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups
Scandinavian studies in the simultaneous use of two or more languages in group conversations among children and adolescents
Edited by J.N. Jørgensen
CONTENTS J.N. Jørgensen: Multilingual Behavior in Youth Groups Jakob Cromdal: Bilingual text production as task and resource: Social interacti…
108,00 kr. -
Studien zur Morphologie und Syntax der festlandskandinavischen Personalpronomina
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Dänischen
The nominal case forms disappeared from the Scandinavian languages long ago. Instead, the function of the case forms is represented by word order. Onl…
298,00 kr. -
A Fundamental Problem in Semiotics
Edited by Berit Brogaard Troels Degn Johansson Martin Skov
The concept of iconicity has been pivotal in a new interest taken in semiotics over the recent years. Not only as an abstract notion of the fundament…
198,00 kr. -
The Parsing System Palavras
Automatic Grammatical Analysis of Portuguese in a Constraint Grammar Framework
The Parsing System "Palavras" is the result of a dissertation project carried out at the University of Aarhus between 1994 and 1999, and describes a P…
398,00 kr. -
Det er conversation 801 Degil Mi?
Perspectives on the Bilingualism of Turkish Speaking Children and Adolescents in North Western Europe
Edited by A. Holmen J.N. Jørgensen
With the publication of this volume we present some of the invaluable help which we have received from distinguished colleagues in our attempt to anal…
108,00 kr.