Why Cultures Persist
Toward a Cultural Immunology
(book + e-book)
Why do humans form groups? Why would a brain, preoccupied with predicting the world, make the formation of cultures possible? And how does our socio-h…
499,95 kr. -
The Old Man
Edited by Karen Pallesgaard Munk Michael Smaerup Kirsten Maibom Kristian Park Frausing
(book + e-book)
Old men – especially those who live alone – remain an understudied group in the gerontological literature, despite their significance to the demograph…
349,95 kr. -
Exploring small cracks of everyday life
In-Between: Exploring Small Cracks of Everyday Life is an anthology comprising contributions from a group of social scientists all preoccupied with th…
199,95 kr. -
Toward the horizon
Lennart Edelberg and the Danish Hindukush research
Edited by Ulrik Høj Johnsen Schuyler Jones Torkil Funder Taj Khan Kalash
This book has two main objectives – to provide an overview of Danish research in the Afghan province of Nuristan, as well as to understand the scholar…
249,95 kr. -
Among Herders of Inner Mongolia
The Haslund-Christensen Collection at the National Museum of Denmark
(book + e-book)
This is a study of a unique collection of Inner Mongolian artefacts at the National Museum of Denmark. They are described, analysed and visually prese…
699,95 kr. -
Sámi Art and Aesthetics
Comtemporary Perspectives
Edited by Svein Aamold Elin Haugdal Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen
(book + e-book)
During the last five decades we have witnessed an increase in activity among artists identifying themselves as Sámi, the only recognised indigenous pe…
369,95 kr. -
The Dark Continent?
Images of Africa in European Narratives about the Congo
(book + e-book)
Africa: a forgotten continent that evades all attempts at control and transcends reason. Or does it? This book describes Europe's image of Africa and…
499,95 kr. -
The Saturated Sensorium
Principles of Perception and Mediation in the Middle Ages
Edited by Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen Henning Laugerud Laura Katrine Skinnebach
(book + e-book)
The Middle Ages integrated the human senses and unified their media into a culture of saturated sensation. The saturated sensoriùm nurtured princ…
349,95 kr. -
Elephants are not picked from trees
Animal Biographies in Gothenburg Natural History Museum
(book + e-book)
"Elephants are not picked from trees" are the words of Swedish taxidermist and conservator David Sjölander, spoken while he was in Angola looking for…
299,95 kr. -
Sugar and Modernity in Latin America
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Edited by Vinicius de Carvalho Susanne Højlund Per Bendix Jeppesen Karen-Margrethe Simonsen
(book + e-book)
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other diseases related to modern lifestyles have spread with frightening speed all over the globe, a development that is…
199,95 kr. -
Scientists and Scholars in the Field
Studies in the History of Fieldwork and Expeditions
Edited by Michael Harbsmeier Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen Christopher J. Ries
For centuries the practice of undertaking fieldwork and expeditions has been adopted as an essential part of research by scientists and scholars from…
499,95 kr. -
The Taste for Knowledge
Medical anthropology facing medical realities
Edited by Sylvie Fainzang Hans Einar Hem Mette Bech Risør
(book + e-book)
The Taste for Knowledge: Medical anthropology facing medical realities demonstrates how medical anthropology is becoming increasingly important in the…
298,00 kr.