Elusive Hunters
The Haddad of Kanem and the Bahr el Ghazal
Dette er en unik bog, en levende øjenvidneberetning om livet hos et ukendt jægerfolk i Chad. Det er et pionerværk, som ikke blot skildrer en spændend…
450,00 kr. -
Music in Nuristan
Traditional Music from Afghanistan
350,00 kr. -
A Papuan Plutocracy
Ranked Exchange on Rossel Island
(book + e-book)
The financial crisis has shown how money can become an instrument for power and greed. The nature of money and financial institutions has again become…
498,00 kr. -
Post-War Identification
Everyday Muslim Counterdiscourse in Bosnia Herzegovina
(book + e-book)
Post-war identification is a unique ethnographic study of the remaking of post-war life in a small ethnically mixed town in Bosnia Herzegovina. During…
348,00 kr. -
Invoking the Spirits
Fieldwork on the material and spiritual life of the hunter-gathers Mlabri in Northern Thailand
During a field study in 1970 among the hill tribes of Northern Thailand, Jesper Trier and his wife heard rumours of a secluded and very shy group of…
300,00 kr. -
Warfare and Society
Archaeological and Social Anthropological Perspectives
Edited by Ton Otto Henrik Thrane Helle Vandkilde
(book + e-book)
While it may be overkill to say that studying war is hell, it is certainly problematic. To participants, war is chaos, death and boredom - and hence i…
498,00 kr. -
Redescubriendo el Valle de Los Chilchos/The Chilchos Valley Revisited
Condiciones de vida en la Ceja de Selva, Perú/Life Conditions in the Ceja de Selva, Peru
This book on the Chilchos Valley in the northeastern slopes of the Andes in Peru attempts to understand how human activities have changed the landscap…
175,00 kr. -
Tradition and Agency
Tracing cultural continuity and invention
Edited by Ton Otto Poul Pedersen
(book + e-book)
Tradition helps ensure continuity and stability in human affairs, signifying both the handing down of cultural heritage from one generation to the nex…
348,00 kr. -
Imagining Nature
Practices of Cosmology and Identity
Edited by Nils Bubandt Kalevi Kull Andreas Roepstorff
During the last decade, many social scientists have sought to show that nature is not an eternal constant but an intrinsically unstable concept - a h…
298,00 kr. -
Los Valles Olvidados/The Forgotten Valleys
Pasado y Presente en la Utilizació de Recursos en la Ceja de Selva, Perú/Past and Present in the Utilization of Resources in the Ceja de Selva, Peru
This book is about historical ecology and environmental studies carried out in 2000-2001 by a team of archaeologists, anthropologists, botanists and…
175,00 kr. -
Upper Egypt
Life along the Nile
Edited by Nicholas S. Hopkins
Upper Egypt - Life along the Nile describes life in the southern part of Egypt in the twentieth century. The book represents some of the most recent s…
170,00 kr. -
Music in Bahrain
Traditional Music of the Arabian Gulf
Although Bahraini music, the theme of this book, stretches back over many thousands of years, Music in Bahrain is - apart from those in Arabic - the…
288,00 kr.