Grauballe Man
- portrait of a bog body
Grauballe Man was about 34 years old when he met his death. He died from a deep cut to the throat. His right shinbone was also fractured. He undoubted…
299,00 kr. -
On the Track of the Thule Culture from Bering Strait to East Greenland
Proceedings of the SILA Conference
Edited by Bjarne Grønnow
The Thule Culture - the ancestors of the present day Inuit - never ceases to fascinate and spur archaeological and ethno-historical research. As a tri…
398,00 kr. -
Time's Up! Dating the Minoan eruption of Santorini
Acts of the Minoan Eruption Chronology Workshop, Sandbjerg November 2007
Edited by David A. Warburton
(book + e-book)
The volcanic eruption of Santorini was the greatest in historical times. Assigned to the Late Minoan IA period, archaeological correlations implied a…
375,00 kr. -
Volcano, Natural History, Mythology
(book + e-book)
When the Greek island of Santorini, classically known as Thera, erupted dramatically in 1613 BC (+/- 13 years), it produced one of the largest explos…
348,00 kr. -
Vegetation and environment in Nydam, Denmark, during the Iron Age
In connection to the archaeological research of the warfare sacrifices in Illerup, Ejsbøl and Nydam, a comprehensive amount of pollen samples has been…
125,00 kr. -
Meetings of Cultures in the Black Sea Region
Edited by Pia Guldager Bilde Jane Hjarl Petersen
(book + e-book)
Meetings of cultures arouse strong feelings. In this volume, nineteen scholars from Denmark, France, Georgia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia,…
378,00 kr. -
Iron Age Households
Structure and Practice in Western Denmark, 500 BC-AD 200
An investigation into the nature and workings of the household in one part of northern Europe (in Western Denmark), focusing on the Early Iron Age (c…
250,00 kr. -
Werkzeuge aus kaiserzeitlichen Heeresausrüstungsopfern
Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fundplätze Illerup Ådal und Vimose
198,00 kr. -
Means of Exchange
Dealing with Silver in the Viking Age
Edited by Dagfinn Skre
(book + e-book)
This second volume on the excavations of the Norwegian Viking town Kaupang 2000-2003 presents find types used in economic transactions - coins, hacks…
438,00 kr. -
Technology in Archaeology
Proceedings of the SILA Workshop
Edited by Pierre M. Desrosiers Mikkel Sørensen
The aim of this publication is to stress that cultural, social and cognitive aspects today are important goals and perspectives of technological studi…
250,00 kr. -
The Vikings in the Isle of Man (PB)
The Isle of Man provides a microcosm of Viking settlement in the West. Set in the northern part of the Irish Sea, it was a major player in the economi…
198,00 kr. -
The Tylos Period Burials in Bahrain
Vol. 1, The Glass and Pottery Vessels
348,00 kr.