Bertel Nygaard

Verden set fra Rusland
Ideer, ideologier og utopier
Edited by Tine Roesen
349,95 kr. -
A History of Denmark from the Viking Age to the 21st Century
Edited by Mary Hilson Bjørn Poulsen Thorsten Borring Olesen
(book + e-book)
Beginning with the emergence of a Danish kingdom during the Viking Age, this book provides an introduction to the history of Denmark as a political en…
499,95 kr. -
En danmarkshistorie
Fra vikingetid til nutid
Edited by Thorsten Borring Olesen Bjørn Poulsen
(book + e-book)
349,95 kr. -
Culture and Conflict
Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930
Edited by Sine Krogh Karina Lykke Grand Thor J. Mednick
(book + e-book)
Cultural differences are often the trigger for conflict – whether politically motivated or arising from dissonant understandings of national culture.…
399,95 kr. -
Forbrugets kulturhistorie
Butik, by og forbrugere efter 1660
Edited by Kasper H. Andersen Kristoffer Jensen Mikkel Thelle
(book + e-book)
299,95 kr. -
50 begivenheder
Højdepunkter i verdenshistorien
Edited by Morten Fink-Jensen Bertel Nygaard
(book + e-book)
399,95 kr. -
(book + e-book)
129,95 kr. -
Danmark i Europa. 1950-2000
Edited by Peter Bejder
(book + e-book)
149,95 kr. -
De uforsvarlige
politiske massemordere
Edited by Mikkel Thorup
(book + e-book)
299,95 kr. -
Kærlighedens samfund
Romantiske utopier i 1800-tallets Danmark
(book + e-book)
299,95 kr. -
Danmark bliver moderne
(book + e-book)
149,95 kr. -
Tro, Håb og Kærlighed
150,00 kr.