Castella Maris Baltici 2
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Edited by
Magnus Josephson and
Mats Mogren
With contributions by
Harry Alopaeus,
Kaur Alttoa,
Hans Andersson,
Toivo Aus,
Andris Caune,
Knut Drake,
Tomáš Durdík,
Birgitta Fritz,
Jonas Genys,
Manfred Gläser-Mührenberg,
Janis Graudonis,
Tuula Hockman,
Kenneth Jonsson,
Magnus Josephson,
Anatolij Kirpicnikov,
Albinas Kuncevicius,
Anita Liepe,
Christian Lovén,
T.E. McNeill,
Mats Mogren,
Evalds Mugurevics,
Ain Mäesalu,
Vladimir Nazarenko,
Ieva Ose,
Ortwin Pelc,
Susanne Pettersson,
Kasimierz Pospieszny,
Anton Pärn,
Gunnar Redelius,
Jørgen Skaarup,
Thore Svennewall,
Eva Svensson,
Jaan Tamm,
Anna-Maria Vilkuna,
Gintautas Zabiela and
Anders Ödman
More about the book
About the book
The book deals with the function of castles and fortified sites around the Baltic Sea AD 900-1500. The purpose of the series is to exchange knowledge of restoration and the research on castles and fortifications in the Baltic Sea region.
Table of contents
Anita Liepe & Hans Andersson: PrefaceHarry Alopaeus: Some Finds of Underwater Barriers in Sweden and Finland
Kaur Alttoa, Toivo Aus, Jaan Tamm: Narva Castle - an Outpost of the Occident
Andris Caune: Steinburgen des 12.-16. Jahrhunderts im Dünamündungsgebiet
Knut Drake: Burg und Stadt in Schweden in der Zeit von 1250 bis 1320
Tomás Durdík: Abriss der Entwicklung der böhmischen Artillerieburgfortifikationen des 15. und Anfangs des 16. Jahrhunderts
Birgitta Fritz: Schloss Nyköping und die Rechnungsakten des Ritters Raven van Barnekow
Jonas Genys: Pre-Urban Settlements and their Systems of Fortification in Western Lithuania
Manfred Gläser-Mührenberg: Burgen und Stadtmauern auf dem Lübecker Stadthügel
Janis Graudonis: Der Bau des Befestigungswerkes der Burg Turaida
Tuula Hockman: Häme Castle and the Peasants of Häme in Medieval Wars
Kenneth Jonsson: Castles and Coinage 1200-1300
Anatolij Kirpicnikov & Vladimir Nazarenko: Ladoga - an Early Medieval Fortified Settlement in the Eastern Baltic Region. Its Significance, Features and Functions
Albinas Kuncevicius: Why Did Vilnius Become the Capital of Lithuania?
Christian Lovén: The Round Towers on Sweden's Eastern Coast
Ain Mäesalu: Wandlungen der Funktionen der Burgen in Südostestland im 8.-15. Jahrhundert
T.E. McNeill: Castles in two Conquests: England and Ireland Compared
Mats Mogren: Current Swedish Castle Research: The Hinterland Emphasis
Evalds Mugurevics: Similarities and Differences Among Lettigallian and German Castles in Eastern Latvia During the 9th-15th Centuries
Anders Ödman: Feudal Iron Production and Castle-Building in the Marginal Zone of Medieval Denmark
Anders Ödman: Glimmingehus and Its Predecessor
Ieva Ose: Einige gemeinsame Merkmale der Kachelverzierung des 16.-17. Jahrhunderts in den skandinavischen Ländern und den Burgen Lettlands
Ieva Ose: Überblick über die Forschungen in Steinburgen Lettlands (1991-1993)
Anton Pärn: Die Lage der Wehrbauten in der topographischen Situation und der Stadtplanung von Haapsalu
Ortwin Pelc: Die Befestigungen der slawischen und frühdeutschen Seehandelsplätze an der südwestlichen Ostseeküste im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
Susanne Pettersson: Saxholmen and Edsholm - Differences in the Finds from Two Medieval Castles
Kazimierz Pospieszny: Das Hauptkonventhaus des Deutschen Ordens zu Marienburg in Preussen
Gunnar Redelius: Tynnelsö - Ein Bischofspalast im Mälarsee
Jørgen Skaarup: Fifty Years' Excavations of the Medieval Castles and Earthworks of the Islands South of Funen, Denmark
Thore Svennewall: Even the Tallest Tower: Early Medieval Fortification Builders and Buildings on the Swedish East Coast
Eva Svensson: The Castles of Saxholmen and Edsholm: Castles as Symbols of Power and Habitation Sites
Anna-Maria Vilkuna: The Häme Castle Household during the Reign of Gustavus Vasa
Gintautas Zabiela: The End of Wooden Fortifications in Lithuania
Magnus Josephson: Short Descriptions of Excursion Sites