Castella Maris Baltici 5
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Edited by
Nils Engberg,
Jørgen Skaarup and
Kjeld Borch Vesth
With contributions by
Peter Carelli,
Tomáš Durdík,
Øystein Ekroll,
Nils Engberg,
Vivian Etting,
David Gaimster,
Martin Hansson,
Christofer Hermann,
Leszek Kajzer,
Mikhail Miltchik,
Evalds Mugurevics,
Ain Mäesalu,
Henning Nielsen,
Sæbjørg W. Nordeide,
Piotr A. Nowakowski,
Ieva Ose,
Mikhail I. Petrov,
Jørgen Skaarup,
Roberts Spirgis,
Kerstin Söderlund,
Sergey V. Troianovsky,
Kari Uotila,
Anna-Maria Vilkuna and
Gintautas Zabiela
More about the book
About the book
The book takes a closer look at everyday life in the medieval castles. The purpose of the series is to exchange knowledge of restoration and the research on castles and fortifications in the Baltic Sea region.
Table of contents
Peter Carelli: Krapperup and its surroundingsTomás Durdík: Erforschung und Vasallenhauses der Burg Krivoklát
Øystein Ekroll: Activities in The Archbishop's residences in Norway
Nils Engberg: The nobleman's estate in Denmark in the period 300-1500 AD
Vivian Etting: The royal castles of Denmark as centres of regional administration, tax collection and mobilization in the late Middle Ages
David Gaimster: Life and lifestyle in the Baltic Castle: Patterns in ceramic consumption c. 1200-1600
Martin Hansson: The minor "castles" of the gentry in Småland, Sweden
Christofer Hermann: Die "Hausordnung" der Burg Heilsberg um 1470
Leszek Kajzer & Piotr A. Nowakowski: Arms and Armour in the Castles of North-Eastern Poland
Ain Mäesalu: Weapons in Otepää castle in 1396
Mikhail Miltchik: Das Viborger Schloss: Bauetappen des Haupttores als Wiederspiegelung der funktionalen Evolution des Schlosses
Evalds Mugurevics & Roberts Spirgis: Archäologische Zeugnisse von den Brunnen in den Steinburgen Lettlands, Ende des 12. bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts
Henning Nielsen: A private fortification in Gammel Forlev near Korsør, Denmark
Sæbjørg Walaker Nordeide: Steinvikholm Palace: An archiepiscopal residence
Ieva Ose: Heizanlagen in den mittelalterlichen Burgen Lettlands
Mikhail I. Petrov & Sergey V. Troianovsky: Man and The Fortress: Ways for Co-Existence in Medieval Russia
Kerstin Söderlund: New Light on Stockholm Castle
Kari Uotila: The growth of living areas in Finnish castles in the 14-15th centuries
Anna-Maria Vilkuna: The economic buildings at Häme Castle during the mid-sixteenth century
Gintautas Zabiela: The interior of the Lithuanian wooden castles
Jørgen Skaarup: Burgen, Kirchen, Museen und Wurfmaschinen - die Exkursionen der Burgforscher im Jahr 1999 in Dänemark
Conference participants