Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Opmærksomhedsbegrebets historie

A part of the series Asterisk (14) , and the subject areas and

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196 pages
ISBN 978 87 7124 873 9



More about the book

Cecilie Harrits

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MA in literature and art history and a trained teacher with main subjects in Danish and special education. Cecilie’s responsibilities are pedagogy, education and psychology as well as literature and art history. She leads the series Pædagogisk rækkevidde and manages several collaborations between the publishing house and art and culture institutions. Cecilie is committed to sustainable book production and green transition in the publishing industry.

Cecilie Harrits


Telephone: +45 28 40 50 30


Press reviews

Christina Krolmer, Folkeskolen

"Målgruppen er forskere, undervisere og studerende, og som lærer/vejleder er jeg mest optaget af den sidste håndfuld kapitler, hvor jeg kan genkende min egen praksis og eleverne i denne. Selvom bogen – som fastslået af forfatteren – ikke er en metodehåndbog, bygger disse kapitler alligevel bro til min praksis set i forhold til opmærksomhedsbegrebet."


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