Forward to the Past
Continuity and Change in Political Development in Hungary, Austria, and the Czech and Slovak Republics
Edited by Leslie C. Eliason Lene Bøgh Sørensen
These eleven essays by historians, political scientists, sociologists, and anthropologists establish a foundation for appreciating the political histo…
310,00 kr. -
Hellanikos, Thukydides and the Era of Kimon
The first historian to record the history of Greece from the Persian Wars to 431 BC was Hellanikos, the author of a now lost History of Athens. He rep…
198,00 kr. -
A History of Rome
From Town to Empire and from Empire to Town
228,00 kr. -
The Waking of Angantyr
The Scandinavian Past in European Culture/Den nordiske fortid i europæisk kultur
Edited by Else Roesdahl Preben Meulengracht Sørensen
198,00 kr. -
The March to Victory
A Guide to World War II Battles and Battlefields from London to the Rhine
248,00 kr. -
Armenian Texts, Tasks and Tools
Edited by Henning Lehmann J.J.S. Weitenberg
198,00 kr. -
Cracking the Ike Age
Aspects of Fifties America
Edited by Dale Carter
148,00 kr. -
Heritage and Prophecy
Grundtvig and the English-Speaking World
Edited by A.M. Allchin David Jasper Jens Holger Schjørring Kenneth Stevenson
298,00 kr. -
Slave Society in the Danish West Indies
St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix
198,00 kr. -
Dominación y Legitimidad Política en Hispanoamérica
Un estudio de la historia de las ideas políticas en la experiencia colonial y la formación del estado nacional en Chile
198,00 kr. -
Crisis or Change
The Concept of Crisis in the Light of Agrarian Structural Reorganization in Late Medieval England
298,00 kr. -
The Garotte
The United States and Chile, 1970-1973
439,00 kr.