Ove Korsgaard

Nationalstatens fødselsveer
Grundtvig, krig og geopolitik
(book + e-book)
199,95 kr. -
Højskoler for folket
(book + e-book)
129,95 kr. -
i det moderne samfund
Edited by Ove Korsgaard Michael Agerbo Mørch
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399,95 kr. -
Folk, folkestyre og populisme
Slagmark 85
Edited by Mikkel Flohr Allan Dreyer Hansen
150,00 kr. -
Peoplehood in the Nordic World
What do we mean when we say "the people"? In a Nordic context, the word "people" was historically associated not with members of a sovereign nation bu…
100,00 kr. -
The Common Good
N.F.S. Grundtvig as Politician and Contemporary Historian
Edited by Edward Broadbridge Ove Korsgaard
(book + e-book)
Of the five books in the series ‘N.F.S. Grundtvig. Works in English’, this fourth volume on Grundtvig as a politician and contemporary historian is pe…
399,95 kr. -
Pædagogikkens idehistorie
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429,95 kr. -
95 nye teser
Edited by Anne Marie Pahuus Henrik Grøndal Lund
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199,95 kr. -
Folkestyrets rugekasser
Frivillige foreninger og folkestyre
Edited by Michael Böss
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199,95 kr. -
Danmark bliver Danmark
Krig, damp og genier i 1800-tallet
(book + e-book)
169,95 kr. -
Tænkepauser 1-12
Tænkeboks 1
499,95 kr. -
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59,95 kr.