Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Children, Play, and Time

Essays on the Art of Transforming Stress to Joyful Challenges

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113 pages
ISBN 87 7613 044 4

Edited by

With contributions by
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About the book

What's the similarity between children, play, curiosity, learning, creativity, art, science, Life, and The Universe?

One possible answer is that it all appears to emerge, maintain, and evolve spontaneously - as an expression of voluntary troble and effort the world apparently prefers to indulge in.

Our world is quite clearly a place where all kinds of things grow and seek growth - within the constraints and necessities brought about by the surrounding.

Thus an important starting point for any modern kindergarten or school is a deep, irrefutable understanding of how we learn from the moment we are born (well, even before): how, with a little luck, we keep our curiosity, our hunger for new learning-rich experiences, alive, and how any kindergarten or school stands and falls with the genuine curiosity of its children.

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