The Struggle for the People
Five Hundred Years of Danish History in Short
(book + e-book)
In this book Ove Korsgaard, the well-known scholar of democracy, examines how the concept people has changed throughout Danish history. Interpretation…
148,00 kr. -
Learning Bodies
Edited by Malou Juelskjær Thomas Moser Theresa Schilhab
(book + e-book)
Is the body a mere container of learning processes? Or can we, in a productive way, develop an approach to learning that includes learning as a bodily…
298,00 kr. -
Learning beyond Cognition
Edited by Niels Kryger Birte Ravn
(book + e-book)
Learning beyond Cognition goes beyond a merely cognitive understanding of learning. The concept denotes the ideological and mental formation of the in…
325,00 kr. -
Generation P?
Youth. Gender and Pornography
Edited by Susanne V. Knudsen Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson Sven-Axel Månsson
(book + e-book)
New book provides insight into the young generations relations and experiences with pornography. Generation P? is based on a unique and comprehensive…
349,00 kr. -
- On Career Guidance
Edited by Peter Plant
(book + e-book)
Guidance and counselling cover many different professional and research areas, all in relation to helping people finding directions in life, i.e. ways…
299,00 kr. -
towards lifelong learning systems
Edited by Søren Ehlers
Education is one of the largest sectors in the global economy and it is expanding fast. Every year governments put billions into education - and into…
265,01 kr. -
The Health Promoting School
International Advances in Theory, Evalution and Practice
Edited by Stephen Clift Bjarne Bruun Jensen
(book + e-book)
This book brings together recent international scholarship on the links between education and health, and recent research evidence evaluating the pro…
325,00 kr. -
Professional Learning in Practice
Newly Qualified Teachers' and Educators' Encounter with Practice
Professional Learning in Practice This book examines teachers' and educators' first experiences in work. After two years in professional practice a…
225,00 kr. -
Relearning is a book about learning and the process of relearning. How are the process of learning in all its complexity and the claim of surplus thin…
200,00 kr. -
The Libertine's Nature
(book + e-book)
THE LIBERTINES NATURE is a book about the infamous Marquis de Sade. His works teem with uninhibited libertines who ruthlessly take advantage of other…
170,00 kr. -
History in Education
Edited by Peter Kemp
Until recently the opinion shared by many people was that learning history had lost all significance. But today we discover that the sense of history…
195,00 kr. -
Children, Play, and Time
Essays on the Art of Transforming Stress to Joyful Challenges
Edited by Hans Henrik Knoop
What's the similarity between children, play, curiosity, learning, creativity, art, science, Life, and The Universe? One possible answer is that it al…
227,00 kr.