Youth and Youth Culture in the Contemporary Middle East
Edited by Jørgen Bæk Simonsen
(book + e-book)
A new youth culture is underway in the Modern Middle East. This culture is based on a concept of youth from the late 1800s, a concept which playe…
198,00 kr. -
A Child at Gunpoint
A Case Study in the Life of a Photo
Widely regarded as the most haunting image we have of the Holocaust, the photo of a young boy with his hands up being driven from the Warsaw ghetto ha…
248,00 kr. -
Wiring Prometheus
Globalisation, History and Technology
Edited by Peter Lyth Helmuth Trischler
As the 20th century drew to a close, the trend to globalisation became the focus of vigorous debate across the economic and political spectrum. It fas…
298,00 kr. -
Writing Lives in Sport
Biographies, Life-histories and Methods
Edited by John Bale Mette K. Christensen Gertrud Pfister
This is a book of stories about sports persons: sports stars, less-known athletes and relatively unknown physical education teachers and sports scient…
248,00 kr. -
Under Vitus Bering's Command
New Perspectives on the Russian Kamchatka Expeditions
Edited by Natasha Okhotina Lind Peter Ulf Møller
From 1725 until his death in 1741, Vitus Bering commanded two of the most ambitious journeys of exploration in the 18th century. Each required years o…
248,00 kr. -
Notarius Publicus
Le Notaire au Moyen Âge latin
During the latest 100 years many legal historians have contributed to an elucidation of 'legal reception', i.e., receipt and adoption of foreign law,…
198,00 kr. -
Middle Eastern Cities 1900-1950
Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation
Edited by Hans Chr. Korsholm Nielsen Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen
This volume elucidates the dramatic changes taking place in Middle Eastern cities during the first half of the 20th century. During this period radica…
298,00 kr. -
Grundtvig in International Perspective
Studies in the Creativity of Interaction
Edited by A.M. Allchin S.A.J. Bradley N.A. Hjelm Jens Holger Schjørring
Grundtvig's viewpoint on human nature and human society, on the relationship between national and international community, on the inner dynamic which…
248,00 kr. -
Interviews with Ali Pacha of Joanina
In the Autumn of 1812, with some particulars of Epirus and the Albanians of the present day
Edited by Jacob Isager
P.O. Brøndsted (1780-1842) was the father of classical archaeology in Denmark, and his writings won great acclaim all over Europe. He travelled in Gre…
148,00 kr. -
Contrasts and Solutions in the Caucasus
Edited by Ole Høiris Sefa Martin Yürükel
This survey by scholars, experts and politicians with knowledge of, and influence in, the Caucasus region reflects its many conflicting ethnic groups…
298,00 kr. -
Violence and Discourtesy
The Islamic term "fatwa" became known in the West after Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence in 1989 on Salman Rushdie, the author of Satanic Verses. M…
148,00 kr. -
Contrasts and Solutions in the Middle East
Edited by Ole Høiris Sefa Martin Yürükel
This splendid volume provides an interdisciplinary overview of the Middle East from age-old enmities to discussions of current political concerns. In…
398,00 kr.