Nydam Mose 3-4
Die Schiffe
Mit den beiden Büchern "Nydam Mose 3 & 4 ─ Die Schiffe" veröffentlich der Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab/Jutland Archaeological Society neue Studien zu…
450,00 kr. -
Ejsbøl Mose
Die Kriegsbeuteopfer im Moor von Ejsbøl aus dem späten 1.Jh.v.Chr. bis zum frühen 5 Jh.n.Chr.
The book Ejsbøl Mose contains one of Denmark's finest war booty deposits from the Roman and Germanic Iron Age and, like Illerup Ådal, it has been inv…
450,00 kr. -
The Viking-Age settlement and fortress
Edited by Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen David M. Wilson
Aggersborg is the largest of the Danish circular fortresses of the Viking Age. Built by the king, Harald Bluetooth, in the second half of the tenth ce…
450,00 kr. -
Dwellings, Identities and Homes
European Housing Culture from the Viking Age to the Renaissance
Edited by Kate Giles Mette Svart Kristiansen
250,00 kr. -
Rooted in Movement
Aspects of Mobility in Bronze Age Europe
Edited by Zsófia Kölcze Heide Wrobel Nørgaard Constanze Rassmann Samantha Reiter
The result of the synergy between four doctoral projects and an advanced MA-level course on Bronze Age Europe, this integrated assemblage of articles…
200,00 kr. -
Aggersborg i vikingetiden
Bebyggelsen og borgen
Edited by Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen
450,00 kr. -
Arkæologi på havbunden
Historien om udgravningen af en stenalderboplads i Tybrind Vig
(book + e-book)
190,00 kr. -
Failaka/Dilmun. The Second Millennium Settlements. Danish Archaoological Investigations on Failaka, Kuwait
4. The Stone Vessels
298,00 kr. -
Klostre i det middelalderlige Danmark
399,95 kr. -
Skelhøj and the Bronze Age barrows of Southern Scandinavia
The Bronze Age barrow tradion and the excavation of Skelhøj
Edited by Mads Kähler Holst Marianne Rasmussen
399,95 kr. -
Tybrind Vig
Submerged Mesolithic settlements in Denmark
Publication of an underwater excavation of a significant Western Danish Ertebølle settlement in the Little Belt in Denmark. The volume comprises both…
399,95 kr. -
Failaka/Dilmun: The Second Millennium Settlements. Danish Archaeological Investigations in Kuwait
3. The Bronze Age Architecture
Danish excavations 1958-1963 on the island of Failaka in Kuwait uncovered a small community of Dilmun traders dating to the 2nd millennium BC. Tell F3…
249,95 kr.