Qala'at al-Bahrain 3
The Western and Southern City Walls and other Excavations
(book + e-book)
The capital of ancient Dilmun, Qala’at al-Bahrain, the most important archaeological site in East Arabia, was excavated in 1954-1978 by a Danish exped…
348,00 kr. -
The Hammerum Burial Site
Customs and Clothing in the Roman Iron Age
Edited by Tinna Møbjerg Ulla Mannering Hans Rostholm Lise Ræder Knudsen
(book + e-book)
The book: The Hammerum Burial Site is the story of a burial site told by more than 20 academics; a fascinating combination of different archaeological…
299,95 kr. -
Sea-level Change in Mesolithic southern Scandinavia
Long-and-short-term effect on society and the environment
(book + e-book)
The seabed in southern Scandinavia contains numerous traces of a submerged prehistoric landscapes. Large parts of this landscape were gradually floode…
435,00 kr. -
Danmarks middelalderlige tiggerklostre
Franciskanernes og dominikanernes bygningskultur
(book + e-book)
275,00 kr. -
Mariager Kloster
(book + e-book)
188,00 kr. -
Lange linjer i landskabet
Hulbælter fra jernalderen
Edited by Palle Eriksen Per Ole Rindel
(book + e-book)
375,00 kr. -
Bronze Age Settlement and Land-Use in Thy, Northwest Denmark
Vol. 1 + 2
Edited by Jens-Henrik Bech Berit Valentin Eriksen Kristian Kristiansen
(book + e-book)
This two-volume, multi-author and multi-disciplinary monographs sheds new light on the Bronze Age in Thy from many different angles, and places the ar…
500,00 kr. -
Oceans of Archaeology
Edited by Anders Fischer Lisbeth Pedersen
(book + e-book)
Vast coastal plains that vanished below the waves thousands of years ago were highways to new territories and a cornucopia of natural riches for early…
348,00 kr. -
The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Jebel Hafit
Danish Archaeological Investigations in Abu Dhabi 1961-1971
(book + e-book)
The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Jebel Hafit presents fifty burial mounds excavated by Moesgaard Museum in 1961-1971 in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the A…
350,00 kr. -
The Royal Mounds of A'ali in Bahrain
The Emergence of Kingship in Early Dilmun
(book + e-book)
The Royal Mounds of A’ali in Bahrain has long been shrouded in mystery and suspected to be the final resting place of the Bronze Age kings of Dilmun.…
450,00 kr. -
The Sösdala Horsemen
and the equestrian elite of fifth century Europe
Edited by Charlotte Fabech Ulf Näsman
Sösdala is a famous name in European archaeology of the Migration Period. But the fame of the name has thrown the find itself in deep shade. This is s…
348,00 kr. -
Danish Archaeological Investigations in Qatar 1956-1974
Edited by Flemming Højlund
(book + e-book)
The first archaeological surveys and excavations in the state of Qatar were carried out by Moesgaard Museum, Denmark, in 1956-1974. A volume on the St…
348,00 kr.