Daily Life at the Turn of the Neolitic
A comparative study of longhouses with sunken floors at Resengaard and nine other settlements in the Limfjord region, South Scandinavia
(book + e-book)
475,00 kr. -
Tvilum Kloster
220,00 kr. -
Dolmens in Denmark
Architecture and Function
Dolmens are some of Denmark's oldest and most impressive ancient monuments. These more than 5000-year-old stone structures stand as intriguing testimo…
250,00 kr. -
Urban Consumption
Tracing urbanity in the archaeological record of Aarhus c. AD 800-1800
Aarhus is one of the oldest and most important Danish towns, but the archaeological sources have so far not been fully analyzed. Based on excavations…
275,00 kr. -
Tell F6 on Failaka Island
Kuwaiti-Danish Excavations 2008-2012
Edited by Flemming Højlund Aiysha Abu-Laban
In the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC, the Arabian Gulf was an important waterway linking the large cities and states of Mesopotamia and Iran with Southeas…
350,00 kr. -
Franciskanerklostret i Horsens
188,00 kr. -
Vitskøl Kloster
Den middelalderlige bygningshistorie
250,00 kr. -
Lejre bag myten
De arkæologiske udgravninger
448,00 kr. -
The Transformation of Neolithic Societies
An Eastern Danish Perspective on the 3rd Millennium BC
387,00 kr. -
Skelhøj and the Bronze Age Barrows of Southern Scandinavia
Barrow building and barrow assemblies. Vol. 2
Edited by Mads Kähler Holst Marianne Rasmussen
400,00 kr. -
Oldtidsagre i Danmark
Fyn og Langeland
Edited by Niels-Chr. Clemmensen Viggo Nielsen
350,00 kr. -
Arkitektur og funktion
(book + e-book)
250,00 kr.