The Maussolleion at Halikarnossos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum
5. The Superstructure
Raised to honour Maussolos, a Persian satrap of the 4th century BC, the Maussolleion in Halikarnassos was renowned throughout the ancient world as one…
300,00 kr. -
Music in Bahrain
Traditional Music of the Arabian Gulf
Although Bahraini music, the theme of this book, stretches back over many thousands of years, Music in Bahrain is - apart from those in Arabic - the…
288,00 kr. -
Marsk Stig og de fredløse på Hjelm
Edited by Pauline Asingh Nils Engberg
248,00 kr. -
Vor Frue Kloster
Et benediktinernonnekloster i Randers
348,00 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
9-10. Die Schilde
The Illerup Ådal find is one of the most spectacular in Denmark. In this river valley large weapon finds have been made. After successfully defending…
700,00 kr. -
Recent Studies in the Final Palaeolithic of the European Plain
Proceedings of a U.I.S.P.P. Symposium, Stockholm, 14.-17. October 1999
Edited by Bodil Bratlund Berit Valentin Eriksen
The Final Palaeolithic cultures of the European Plain were characterized by a variety of adaptive responses, reflected in technologies, settlement pa…
320,00 kr. -
Excavations at Tepe Guran in Luristan
The Bronze Age and Iron Age Periods
Luristan in Western Iran was largely inaccessible to foreigners until the early 1960s when a new road linking the Great Khorasan Road with Susiana or…
300,00 kr. -
Islamic Remains in Bahrain
The initial aim of the Danish archaeological campaigns in Bahrain was to look for settlements contemporary with the 'Hundred Thousand Gravemounds'. Af…
348,00 kr. -
Frühes Kupfer im Norden
Untersuchungen zu Chronologie, Herkunft und Bedeutung der Kupferfunde der Nordgruppe der Trichterbecherkultur
This dissertation, written in German, examines the Southern Scandinavian area and the metal that was imported in the first part of the New Stone Age/E…
298,00 kr. -
The Maussolleion at Halikarnassos. Reports of the Danish Archaeological Expedition to Bodrum
4. The Quadrangle
Under the auspices of the British Museum, C.T. Newton started excavations in 1857 on the site of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the sepulchral…
300,00 kr. -
Oldtidsagre i Danmark
348,00 kr. -
Landsby og gravplads
375,00 kr.