Nørre Hedegård
En nordjysk byhøj fra ældre jernalder
400,00 kr. -
Vegetation and environment in Nydam, Denmark, during the Iron Age
In connection to the archaeological research of the warfare sacrifices in Illerup, Ejsbøl and Nydam, a comprehensive amount of pollen samples has been…
125,00 kr. -
Jernalderens lægekunst
En nyfortolkning af arkæologiske fund fra danske offermoser
198,00 kr. -
Ronæs Skov
Marinarkæologiske undersøgelser af kystboplads fra Ertebølletid
298,00 kr. -
Iron Age Households
Structure and Practice in Western Denmark, 500 BC-AD 200
An investigation into the nature and workings of the household in one part of northern Europe (in Western Denmark), focusing on the Early Iron Age (c…
250,00 kr. -
Invoking the Spirits
Fieldwork on the material and spiritual life of the hunter-gathers Mlabri in Northern Thailand
During a field study in 1970 among the hill tribes of Northern Thailand, Jesper Trier and his wife heard rumours of a secluded and very shy group of…
300,00 kr. -
The Burial Mounds of Bahrain
Social complexity in Early Dilmun
348,00 kr. -
Grauballe Man
An Iron Age Bog Body Revisited
Edited by Pauline Asingh Niels Lynnerup
The Grauballe Man, whose sacrificial death was determined to have occurred around 290 BC, is one of the most remarkable bog finds from Denmark's Iron…
350,00 kr. -
Tranbær Mosefund
Jernalderen i Nordeuropa
198,00 kr. -
Illerup Ådal
11-12. Die Schwerter
700,00 kr. -
Keramik, kultur og kontakter
Køkken- og bordtøjets brug og betydning i Jylland 1350-1650
288,00 kr. -
Ribe Studier - Det ældste Ribe
Udgravninger på nordsiden af Ribe Å 1984-2000
Edited by Claus Feveile
500,00 kr.