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- Danske elevers teknologiforståelse og skærmbrug
Romantik 3
Edited by Cian Duffy Karina Lykke Grand Lis Møller Elisabeth Oxfeldt Robert W. Rix Anna Lena Sandberg
(book + e-book)
This third issue of Romantik: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms contains a theme section: 'Renegotiations of romanticism'. This special theme brin…
199,95 kr. -
Libraries and Enlightenment
Eighteenth-Century Norway and the Outer World
(book + e-book)
Books are written to entertain and to inform, and during the Enlightenment, accounts of other worlds became popular as trade routes, scientific and le…
249,95 kr. -
Along the Road
Aspects of Causewayed Enclosures in South Scandinavia and Beyond
(book + e-book)
320,00 kr. -
The Regional Production of Red-figure Pottery
Greece, Magna Graecia and Etruria
Edited by Victoria Sabetai Stine Schierup
In the latter part of the fifth century BC, regional red-figure productions were established outside Attica in regional Greece and in the western Mei…
349,95 kr. -
Danish Medieval Castles
(book + e-book)
Danish Medieval Castles is the first comprehensive overview in English of the castles and fortifications that are known from medieval Denmark. The boo…
399,95 kr. -
Elephants are not picked from trees
Animal Biographies in Gothenburg Natural History Museum
(book + e-book)
"Elephants are not picked from trees" are the words of Swedish taxidermist and conservator David Sjölander, spoken while he was in Angola looking for…
299,95 kr. -
Wealth and Complexity
Economically specialised sites in Late Iron Age Denmark
Edited by Reno Fiedel Karen Høilund Nielsen Ernst Stidsing
Over the course of the last 30 years, many new settlements, in particular from the Late Iron Age, have been discovered in Denmark as a result of energ…
320,00 kr. -
Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens VII
Edited by Rune Frederiksen Søren Handberg
298,00 kr. -
Nydam Mose 3-4
Die Schiffe
Mit den beiden Büchern "Nydam Mose 3 & 4 ─ Die Schiffe" veröffentlich der Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab/Jutland Archaeological Society neue Studien zu…
450,00 kr. -
Ejsbøl Mose
Die Kriegsbeuteopfer im Moor von Ejsbøl aus dem späten 1.Jh.v.Chr. bis zum frühen 5 Jh.n.Chr.
The book Ejsbøl Mose contains one of Denmark's finest war booty deposits from the Roman and Germanic Iron Age and, like Illerup Ådal, it has been inv…
450,00 kr. -
The Viking-Age settlement and fortress
Edited by Else Roesdahl Søren Michael Sindbæk Anne Pedersen David M. Wilson
Aggersborg is the largest of the Danish circular fortresses of the Viking Age. Built by the king, Harald Bluetooth, in the second half of the tenth ce…
450,00 kr. -
Dwellings, Identities and Homes
European Housing Culture from the Viking Age to the Renaissance
Edited by Kate Giles Mette Svart Kristiansen
250,00 kr.